Campbellsville University
Journal of Business, Economics and Technology

Tracks in:

  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Economics
  • Healthcare Management
  • Marketing
  • Global Business

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Business, Economics and Technology Online (JBET) is a (blind) peer-reviewed academic journal with a goal of publishing high quality conceptual, empirical, and practitioner articles. JBET publishes papers related to: Management, Leadership, Technology, Human Resources and Economics. All submissions should be sent to A cover letter should accompany the submission and include the following information:

1. The journal track to which the paper is being submitted, Management, Leadership, Technology, Human Resources, Economics, Healthcare Management, Marketing, or Global Business.

2. A statement that the paper is not published or under review at other journals, proceedings, or other hard copy or electronic publications.

Review Policy: JBET uses a blind review process for all manuscripts. Reviews are normally completed within 45 days. JBET will evaluate submissions based on contribution and conceptual rigor. JBET will not publish manuscripts that have been submitted to, accepted by, or published in other outlets (including published conference proceedings or other electronic journals). If accepted, a $50.00 publication fee will be assessed.

Ethics Policy: It is expected that authors submitting papers to JBET will have conducted their work in an ethical manner. General guidelines for the conduct of ethical research are available at

(see section 6).

Copyright: JBET holds the copyright for all articles appearing in JBET.

Permission to Reprint

The Journal of Business, Economics and Technology Online holds the copyright on all manuscripts published in the Journal. Permission to reprint must be obtained from the Journal Editor(s).

To request permission to reprint a manuscript published in JBET, contact

Preparation of Manuscript

All manuscripts must be written in English and submitted as a Word document. The document should not contain page numbers. The document should be in 12 Point Times New Roman font with 1″ margins all around, and should contain the following material in the prescribed order.

1. Page 1: Title of Article and Author Contact Information. The title of the article should be centered, bold, and all caps. Author contact information should include the author's university affiliation, current position, mailing address, e-mail, and phone number (double space between authors).

2. Page 2: Abstract. Start with the title “Abstract” centered, bold, initial caps. This should be followed by the abstract text (250 - 500 words) typed in single space. Left justify all paragraphs, with no indent, and double space between paragraphs.

3. Pages 3 and following: Title and Body of Paper. Enter the title again, centered and bolded, with initial caps. Double space after the title and proceed with the body of the paper. The body of the paper should be left justified and single-spaced with no indentations at the start of each paragraph. Double space between paragraphs. Major section headings should be centered, bolded; with initial caps. Subsection headings should be on a separate line and be left justified, bolded, with initial caps. Subsequent subheadings should be in bold italics on the same line as the text. All tables and figures should be included in the body of the paper.

4. Figures: Tables and figures should be placed within the text, not at the end of the manuscript. The headings for Tables and Figures should start with the term “Table” or “Figure” centered and bolded. Double-space after the heading. Tables should be numbered and figures should be alphabetized (e.g., Table 1; Figure A). The descriptive title for the table or figure should be centered and bolded two spaces below the heading. Tables should be centered on the page and have proper labeling of column headings, and other notations. Tables should be created with the Table function of Word (do not use the spacebar to create columns). Figures and artwork must be high quality JPEG or GIF files. The figure title should be typed on a separate line and should not be part of the image file.

5. Mathematical Notations: Notations should be clearly explained within the text. Equations should be centered on the page. If equations are numbered, type the number in parentheses flush with the right margin. Unusual symbols and Greek letters should be identified. Equations that may be too wide to fit in a single column should be provided as

an appendix. JBET is published in HTML format, which does not handle equations very well. Therefore, authors should provide a gif or jpg image file for all equations. The image file should not contain the equation number, only the equation.

6. Endnotes: Do not use footnotes, since they do not convert well to HTML format. Rather, the author should use endnotes. If endnotes are used, they should be placed after the reference section. The endnotes should be numbered.

7. Images: Images can be included in the document, but authors should also keep a separate GIF or JPEG file for all images since these will be needed for final publication.

8. References: Start the reference section immediately after the body of the paper with the title “References” centered and bolded. Each reference should be left justified and single spaced, with a double space between references. Reference citations within the text should consist of the author's last name and date of publication, without punctuation, enclosed within parentheses, and should be inserted before punctuation and/or at a logical break in the sentence. Bookmark links from the citation to a reference are preferred but not required. If several citations are needed, separate them with semicolons, and list alphabetically. Give the page number only if necessary. If the author's name has just been listed in the text, the date in parentheses is sufficient. If two or more works by an author have the same year, distinguish them by placing a, b, etc. after the year. Use et al. for works by four or more authors. For example: Jones' latest proposal (1979) has been questioned by some (Boston 1981; Brown 1990), but is generally accepted by others (Fritz 1979; Lang 1979; Rotwang 1984). Investigators (Cockburn et al. 1985; Hodges McCollum, and Hall 1981; Lee and King 1983) have found that…References should be single-spaced and placed at the end of the manuscript. Works by a single author should be listed chronologically; for multiple authors, alphabetically and then chronologically.

9. References should be in the following format:

Books:Bagozzi, Richard P. 1980. Causal Models in Marketing. New York: Wiley.

Journals: Singh, Jagdip. 1991. “Understanding the Structure of Consumers' Satisfaction Evaluations of Service Delivery.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 19 (Summer): 223-244.

Multiple Authors: Zeithaml, Valarie A., Leonard L. Berry, and A. Parasuraman. 1993. “The Nature and Determinants of Customer Experiences of Service.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 21 (Winter): 1-12.

Article in a Book Edited by Another Author: Levitt, Theodore. 1988. “The Globalization of Markets.” In Multinational Marketing Management. Eds. Robert D. Buzzell and John A. Quelch. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 186-205.

Unpublished Dissertations: Paterson, Karen S. 1985. “The Effects of Bilingual Labels in Buyer Behavior.” Dissertation. University of California at Irvine.

10. Appendices: If needed, the appendix should start with the title “Appendix” centered and bolded. If there are multiple appendices, each should be lettered (e.g., Appendix A).

Call for Papers

JBET invites the submission of papers for publication consideration for the Spring or Fall issues. JBET publishes both empirical and conceptual research. Articles in JBET examine emerging trends and concerns in the areas of management, leadership, technology, human resources, economics, healthcare management, marketing, and global business.

The goal of JBET is to broaden the knowledge of business school academicians and other professionals by promoting access to business-related research and ideas. JBET provides a professional outlet for scholarly works.

Information about the Journal of Business, Economics, and Technology

The Journal of Business, Economics and Technology is a semi-annual publication. The Journal seeks articles that address both theoretical and practical issues in the areas of management, leadership, technology, human resources and economics. Articles selected for publication provide valuable insight into matters of broad intellectual and practical concern to academicians and business professionals and meet the quality standards of IACBE and the Journal's editorial committee.

Manuscripts: The Journal accepts unsolicited manuscripts. All articles are blind peer-reviewed. The Journal reserves the right to make all decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication. All editing decisions reside with the Journal's editorial board.

Submission: Manuscripts must comply with the Journal's specified format and style, and must be submitted in Microsoft Word to with a letter indicating the appropriate track for your paper. If your paper is accepted, a $50.00 publication fee will be assessed.

Deadline: The respective submission deadlines for the Fall and Spring issues are October 20 and February 15.

Instructions for Reviewers

JBET seeks to publish articles of the highest quality about a wide variety of areas related to management, leadership, technology, human resources, economics, healthcare management, marketing, and global business. The goal of the review process is to make sure that every article published by JBET meets this high standard.

Each article submitted to JBET is subjected to the following review process:

From all of the submitted papers, the editors will select papers that are suitable for inclusion in the journal, based upon their consistency with the journal's stated mission.

For each suitable paper the editors will assign up to two referees to review the paper. The reviewing process is based on the concept of blind review, i.e., the reviewer does not know the identity of the author.

After a careful review of the paper, referee(s) will send it back to the editors with comments to the editors, accept/reject/revise recommendations, and suggestions to authors about how to revise the paper.

The editors will make the final decision to accept, reject, accept conditionally, or reject with an invitation to revise and resubmit. The final decision will be based on the recommendations of the reviewers and upon their judgment about the quality of the paper, its alignment with the mission of the journal, and its interest to the journal's audience. The editor will transmit the reviews and the final decision to the author.

Published by The Campbellsville University School of Business, Economics, and Technology